[…] a environmental photographer and his group of diversion whippersnappers as they were endeavour a Extreme Ice Survey plan back in 2007. If you’ve been by Denver International Airport, we might have spied a EIS video […]
[…] the environmental photographer and his team of game whippersnappers as they were undertaking the Extreme Ice Survey project back in 2007. If you’ve been through Denver International Airport, you may have spied the EIS […]
[…] and more about the way we’re altering our home. He’s regularly in the field, having started the Extreme Ice Survey project. EIS combines art and science to show us the story of a rapidly changing Arctic and […]
[…] has spent the lat five years documenting the impact of Earth’s big thaw on 16 glaciers in Greenland, Iceland, Nepal, Alaska, and the U.S. Rocky Mountains. His stunning new book, Ice: Portraits of […]
[…] to make science more accessible is of course the essence of this Schmience project. His pitch is: Take Action and so of course he chastised me for not acting on these ideas I was discussing with […]
[…] climate change documentary Chasing Ice, which won a pile of film festival awards and is now on the Oscars short list (one of only 15 documentaries). I finally got the chance to catch it at a local theater and, […]
[…] climate change documentary Chasing Ice, which won a pile of film festival awards and is now on the Oscars short list (one of only 15 documentaries). I finally got the chance to catch it at a local theater and, […]
[…] years documenting the impact of Earth’s big thaw on 16 glaciers in Greenland, Iceland, Nepal, Alaska, and the U.S. Rocky Mountains. His stunning new book, Ice: Portraits of Vanishing Glaciers, culls […]
[…] Ice.” It follow James Balog’s work and is a fantastic film. On his website too there are actions you can take as an individual to help preserve our planet. Here’s a favorite quote from another of my […]
[…] in Greenland, the Himalayas in Nepal, Alaska and the Rocky Mountains, the Extreme Ice Survey has set up 34 cameras at 16 glaciers to track changes in the ice, seeking to give a “visual […]
[…] in Greenland, the Himalayas in Nepal, Alaska and the Rocky Mountains, the Extreme Ice Survey has set up 34 cameras at 16 glaciers to track changes in the ice, seeking to give a “visual […]
[…] in Greenland, the Himalayas in Nepal, Alaska and the Rocky Mountains, the Extreme Ice Survey has set up 34 cameras at 16 glaciers to track changes in the ice, seeking to give a “visual […]
[…] in Greenland, the Himalayas in Nepal, Alaska and the Rocky Mountains, the Extreme Ice Survey has set up 34 cameras at 16 glaciers to track changes in the ice, seeking to give a “visual […]
[…] Last week, I was lucky enough to check out Chasing Ice, the movie that chronicles photographer James Balog’s National Geographic assignment to photograph glacier changes. Balog’s project ballooned into what’s now known as “Extreme Ice Survey”, where repeat photography locations, video, and time-lapse cameras are set up around the world to capture how glaciers are responding to recent warming temperatures worldwide. […]
[…] Balog earned his master’s degree in geomorphology. However, it is his innovative photography exploring the relationship between humans and nature, redefining environmental photography since the early 1980s that explains his current work. He is capturing the memory of the landscape as it disappears, reporting what changed more dramatically in the last 10 years than in last 100. The voices of his helpers — young, strapping, and strong — punctuate his commitment. “He goes to that point where you cannot go anymore and then sometimes he is going forward more.” […]
[…] “Chasing Ice“. It is the quest by photographer James Balog and his foundation EIS to create global awareness for the amount of glacial ice that has disappeared within the last ten […]
[…] About EIS – Extreme Ice Survey – How did the Extreme Ice Survey get started? In 2005, internationally acclaimed nature photojournalist James Balog traveled to Iceland to photograph glaciers for The … […]
[…] Los lectores interesados en este tema pueden ver el film documental 2012 Chasing Ice (Perseguir el hielo) de Jeff Orlowski, que muestra los esfuerzos del fotógrafo ambiental James Balog por documentar la desaparición del hielo ártico a través del Extreme Ice Survey (EIS), programa de fotografía que fundara en 2007. (Ver http://extremeicesurvey.org/gallery-greenland/). […]
[…] dziesięciu laty i obecnie. Większość zdjęć wykonał fotograf James Balog, w ramach projektu Extreme Ice Survey, obejmującego dokumentowanie zmian lodowców na świecie. Projekt zaowocował jak dotąd, […]
[…] media literacy practices (Jenkins et al., 2013). For example, The Extreme Ice Survey (EIS) project (http://extremeicesurvey.org/about-eis/) involves video recordings of ice melt in 18 different glacier sites throughout the world, a […]
[…] Definitively yes, see the awesome work of James Balog in Extreme Ice Survey and other projects, there are some basic description of the hardware used here. […]
[…] she says. Utilizing a community of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the globe, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The in depth archive of photographs of every […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] she says. Utilizing a community of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the globe, his Excessive Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The in depth archive of pictures of every […]
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[…] of climate change. Recording glaciers around the world using a network of time-lapse cameras, his Extreme Ice Survey has shown how glaciers are disappearing over time. An extensive archive of photos of each glacier […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Utilizing a community of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers world wide, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The in depth archive of photographs of every […]
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[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
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[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
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[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] of climate change. Using a network of time-lapse cameras to record glaciers around the world, his Extreme ice clearing Show how glaciers melt over time. The comprehensive archive of images of every glacier throughout […]
[…] she says. Utilizing a community of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers round the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The intensive archive of photographs of […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] a network of sequential photography cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey It has shown how glaciers are disappearing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] una red de cámaras de fotografía secuencial que graban glaciares de todo el mundo, su Extreme Ice Survey ha demostrado cómo los glaciares van desapareciendo con el tiempo. El extenso archivo de […]
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[…] she says. Utilizing a community of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers round the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The in depth archive of images of every […]
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[…] una purple de cámaras de lapso de tiempo que registran los glaciares de todo el mundo, su Encuesta de hielo extremo ha demostrado cómo los glaciares se van desvaneciendo con el tiempo. El extenso archivo de fotos […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] weather trade. The usage of a community of time-lapse cameras to document glaciers world wide, his Excessive ice clearing Display how glaciers soften over the years. The excellent archive of pictures of each glacier all […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
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[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
[…] change, she says. Using a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers around the world, his Extreme Ice Survey has demonstrated how glaciers are vanishing over time. The extensive archive of photos of each […]
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[…] a environmental photographer and his group of diversion whippersnappers as they were endeavour a Extreme Ice Survey plan back in 2007. If you’ve been by Denver International Airport, we might have spied a EIS video […]
[…] the environmental photographer and his team of game whippersnappers as they were undertaking the Extreme Ice Survey project back in 2007. If you’ve been through Denver International Airport, you may have spied the EIS […]
[…] and more about the way we’re altering our home. He’s regularly in the field, having started the Extreme Ice Survey project. EIS combines art and science to show us the story of a rapidly changing Arctic and […]
[…] has spent the lat five years documenting the impact of Earth’s big thaw on 16 glaciers in Greenland, Iceland, Nepal, Alaska, and the U.S. Rocky Mountains. His stunning new book, Ice: Portraits of […]
[…] to make science more accessible is of course the essence of this Schmience project. His pitch is: Take Action and so of course he chastised me for not acting on these ideas I was discussing with […]
[…] climate change documentary Chasing Ice, which won a pile of film festival awards and is now on the Oscars short list (one of only 15 documentaries). I finally got the chance to catch it at a local theater and, […]
[…] climate change documentary Chasing Ice, which won a pile of film festival awards and is now on the Oscars short list (one of only 15 documentaries). I finally got the chance to catch it at a local theater and, […]
[…] years documenting the impact of Earth’s big thaw on 16 glaciers in Greenland, Iceland, Nepal, Alaska, and the U.S. Rocky Mountains. His stunning new book, Ice: Portraits of Vanishing Glaciers, culls […]
[…] Ice.” It follow James Balog’s work and is a fantastic film. On his website too there are actions you can take as an individual to help preserve our planet. Here’s a favorite quote from another of my […]
[…] in Greenland, the Himalayas in Nepal, Alaska and the Rocky Mountains, the Extreme Ice Survey has set up 34 cameras at 16 glaciers to track changes in the ice, seeking to give a “visual […]
[…] in Greenland, the Himalayas in Nepal, Alaska and the Rocky Mountains, the Extreme Ice Survey has set up 34 cameras at 16 glaciers to track changes in the ice, seeking to give a “visual […]
[…] in Greenland, the Himalayas in Nepal, Alaska and the Rocky Mountains, the Extreme Ice Survey has set up 34 cameras at 16 glaciers to track changes in the ice, seeking to give a “visual […]
[…] in Greenland, the Himalayas in Nepal, Alaska and the Rocky Mountains, the Extreme Ice Survey has set up 34 cameras at 16 glaciers to track changes in the ice, seeking to give a “visual […]
[…] loss of glaciers has profound implications for sea level rise, global freshwater supply, ocean chemistry (and thus fisheries and weather […]
[…] Last week, I was lucky enough to check out Chasing Ice, the movie that chronicles photographer James Balog’s National Geographic assignment to photograph glacier changes. Balog’s project ballooned into what’s now known as “Extreme Ice Survey”, where repeat photography locations, video, and time-lapse cameras are set up around the world to capture how glaciers are responding to recent warming temperatures worldwide. […]
[…] Balog earned his master’s degree in geomorphology. However, it is his innovative photography exploring the relationship between humans and nature, redefining environmental photography since the early 1980s that explains his current work. He is capturing the memory of the landscape as it disappears, reporting what changed more dramatically in the last 10 years than in last 100. The voices of his helpers — young, strapping, and strong — punctuate his commitment. “He goes to that point where you cannot go anymore and then sometimes he is going forward more.” […]
[…] “Chasing Ice“. It is the quest by photographer James Balog and his foundation EIS to create global awareness for the amount of glacial ice that has disappeared within the last ten […]
[…] About EIS – Extreme Ice Survey – How did the Extreme Ice Survey get started? In 2005, internationally acclaimed nature photojournalist James Balog traveled to Iceland to photograph glaciers for The … […]
[…] Los lectores interesados en este tema pueden ver el film documental 2012 Chasing Ice (Perseguir el hielo) de Jeff Orlowski, que muestra los esfuerzos del fotógrafo ambiental James Balog por documentar la desaparición del hielo ártico a través del Extreme Ice Survey (EIS), programa de fotografía que fundara en 2007. (Ver http://extremeicesurvey.org/gallery-greenland/). […]
[…] to the Survey’s website, the solar-powered camera rigs weigh upwards of 100 pounds each. A dustproof case and […]
[…] to the Survey’s website, the solar-powered camera rigs weigh upwards of 100 pounds each. A dustproof case and “complex […]
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