When signing copies of his books, EVI founder James Balog almost always inscribes, “Use Your Voice.”  He says, “Not just literally with the words that come out of your mouth, but the voice of your life activities. Keep pecking away at issues on a personal level, a local level, a state level, or larger, and you reshape the world around you at the scale you can touch.”

Your personal choices, your daily actions and purchases, and the way you express your commitment to a balanced relationship with nature make a difference.  Your influence matters.


  • #USEYOURVOICE. Speak up about what’s really happening 
to the climate.
  • Use your unique talents to express your vision for the world.
  • Learn the facts and how to articulate them.
  • Follow us on social media for easy-to-understand science articles & resources you can share, and get our e-news updates.
  • Live a lifestyle that helps you maintain a balanced relationship with nature. View tips from the Chasing Ice team.
  • Ignite action in your community. Host a Chasing Ice screening and ask attendees to take specific actions.
  • Tell your elected representatives where you stand on climate change.


“Climate change is a human, non-partisan, universal non-denominational issue with consequences that impact public health, military security, and environmental quality of life for today’s and future generations.” – James Balog

  • Understanding climate change is not a question of what you “believe.” It’s about what you know, based on peer-reviewed scientific evidence.
  • Humanity already possesses the economic, technological and policy solutions to deal with climate change and provide workable, economically viable alternatives to the way we live now. What’s missing is clear perception that our civilization has a climate change problem. The Extreme Ice Survey and Earth Vision Institute were founded to shift perception.
  • We pollute our air and atmosphere by burning oil, coal, natural gas and wood; deforesting the tropics; and raising methane-producing livestock for food.
  • Change the molecules in the air and you change the behavior of the atmosphere. Scientists have understood this relationship for more than one hundred years.
  • Each of us inhales air 12 to 18 times per minute. When the molecules in our air are degraded, it has a ripple effect throughout our lives, from our respiratory health, to our food and water supply, to our economy.
  • Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of people die each year from 
climate-related stressors.
  • We all have a right to clean air and a stable climate. No society or institution should deny people that right.